the evenings progressed. But I wanted to know how the participants felt ... so I asked them to send me some examples of what they are getting out of 12&Zen. Have they noticed any changes?
Here is what four people had to say, plus a bonus contributor (whose email simply arrived in time).
J.S. -- It's done at least two things I can think of immediately...first, it's solidified for me how koans are way more than mind puzzles...applying a koan to a step enriches my understanding of the step...perhaps as valuable, the participation of the group members in the discussion of the koan allows me to see other ways of thinking about how the koan and the step interact with each other and within my life...

B.F. -- The 12 and Zen has improved my conscious contact with God, as I understand him...hoping and praying that this knowledge will guide me in doing HIS will and carrying that out, to the best of my ability.

L.M -- What I get from working in a small group around the steps is support, a different take, and an intimate relation-ship that only meditation brings.
And lastly the bonus contributor who lives 2000 miles away. He shows by example that one can practice and become a part of our 12&Zen community by reading this blog, following his 12 Step program and embracing koan practice.
O.M. -- Just wanted to say that I've really been benefiting immensely from the blog. It really has solidified the fusion between recovery and practice, clarifying that they are one and the same. It's also been instrumental on a number of other phenomena, most notable selflessness (forgetting the self) and its centrality in the practice as recovery, and in the fostering of an awakened mind.
After sesshin paradigmatic shifts can often be ushered into one's life. After this particular one, and because of the presence of the 12 Step Koan project, it seems like an unfolding of a new type of understanding of my koan practice has emerged. Over and over again, 12 Steps/Koans enable me to see the koans in the steps and therefore in my life. There is something congealing, as it were, and this for me is kinda exciting because the life of the mind and the external physical aspect of life are getting closer to one another. This most assuredly makes life somehow better. But don't ask me how.
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Bill K.
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