Sunday, October 16, 2022

Step 10, for the benefit of all


 Step 10:  Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

 KOAN:  Blue Cliff Case 27: Yunmen’s Manifestation

A monk asked Yunmen, “When the tree withers and the leaves fall, what’s happening?”

Yunmen replied, “the golden wind is revealing itself.” [“autumn is manifesting itself”] 1

The golden wind is the reference to autumn in the old Chinese culture. It’s a sweet time really—this time of letting go, of returning, of waiting for the new to emerge. There’s a quality of being between times when the old is still visible and the new has not yet formed. There is a golden quality to this time—an intimacy.

Golden Wind is the name of the deity of autumn.



I love autumn, the season where things fall away and there’s plenty to look forward to…of change and transition…where there seems to be more time to slow down, to step back and reflect about the year and where it’s brought me today, and celebrating the fruits of my labor. So here we have Step 10, and October is the tenth month where we can fall away with Yunmen.


In a way, Step 10 is a recapitulation of Steps 1-9; and for it to work in our lives needs to be practiced daily. “When we retire at night, we constructively review are day.” [BB Page 86] Where have my thoughts, words and actions caused pain to others? “On awakening let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead.” [BB Page 86] Recognizing yesterday’s shortcomings, how can I lead a less selfish life today? How can I best adjust my character today, cleaning up my side of the street, so as to be of maximum service to others?


Issa (1763-1828) writes: 


this world of dew

is nothing but a world of dew

and yet…

and yet…


In this golden time of shedding leaves, where they’ve lost their usefulness and are no longer needed by the tree, they still have relevance and benefit. Floating down to earth, the leaves are eaten, deteriorate into the forest floor and become soil builders for the next generation. 


In reviewing my day, making note of any wrongdoings, making things right with others and planning how I’ll engage the upcoming day I’m preparing my attitude…my frame of mind toward greater good. 


this world of Step 10

is nothing but a world of Step 10

and yet …

and yet …


And yet … we continue to engage in Step 10 every day in order to reveal when we’ve been wrong, promptly admit it, and take appropriate action for the benefit of all.


Which brings me to a conversation I had with my friend Bob C., where he sent me the ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) version of Step 10, and here it is, integrated it into AA’s version:


Step 10: Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it, with love and approval of ourselves.


In working Step 10, my shortcomings begin falling away. I’m tired of driving on my pot-holed-obstacle-laden side of the road. After all, “our troubles we think are basically of our own making.” Now, going forward, I’m ready for my new life and smoother going.  My next destination?  I can see Steps 11 and 12 on the horizon. What a golden wind blessing!


Indeed, we do this for the benefit of all.


Bill K.


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