Then it was time for me to speak.
All that was requested of me was to talk (10-15 minutes) about my experience with Step Two.
Yes! When I learned that my topic was Step Two,
I knew I would somehow bring a koan into the discussion.
For a moment I had the fleeting thought that someone might jump up and exclaim, "No, no! You're about to read some unauthorized literature." No one did. I was sticking to their request regarding my experience by briefly mentioning what happened at the January retreat when we meditated with the "Litttle Jade" koan (see the Step Two tab above)... and how it was for me when I feel the love from someone
else just by hearing them call my name.

My story this day related the kind of love I have felt from another person to that of the love I feel from my Higher Power, and how this particular koan seemed to be the catalyst here.
I don't recall ever even saying the word "Zen" as I spoke; but I did say koan several times.
After the meeting, I was pleasantly surprised when 6 or so people asked me about koans. It was obvious that they were intrigued with this process of how a koan brought me deeper into
Step Two.
Next Friday I'll be holding the first of three sharing sessions of Steps and Koans. Hopefully I'll see a few of these people who were at the meeting. As I've said before, koan practice is not for everyone; but for those who give it a sincere try, the results are amazing.
blistering hot days
watching the zucchinis grow
july 4th weekend
Bill K.
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